Two Wheeled Adventure Tours

Top Tips for When You're Lost

30th September 2019

a hand holding a compass

If you’re going to go adventuring one thing is pretty much certain, eventually you’re going to get lost. There are plenty of things you can do when you’re lost and a whole host of these will only service to find you even more lost than you were originally. It’s a place I’ve been a few times and one in which I coined the phrase “the middle of nowhere is the centre of somewhere”. So, with my vast experiences of being lost I wanted to lay out some top tips for what to do when you’re lost.

#1 Forget where you think you are

people pointing at a map on a phone

So many times I’ve been lost staring at a map and compass thinking “how can I possibly be here?” or “what I’m seeing doesn’t match what the map is telling me”. It’s times like these that you need to take a breath, clear your mind and focus on where you are, not where you think you are. Look for landmarks and geographical features and translate those onto your map. Use a three point triangulation to locate your exact position. Pick three objects around you and find those on the map. The centre of those is where you are.

#2 It’s going to happen, so go prepared

a hand raised in a field

My brother once hiked a mountain without a map or a compass. A snowstorm came in as they were coming back down and they lost their track. Several hours later they stumbled across a farmhouse in which the farmer informed them they were on the complete opposite side of the mountain to where they started.

Make sure people know where you are, where you’re going and when you expect to get there. Carry the basic equipment like a compass and a map. Mobile phones should not be relied on. Have analogue backups and know how to use them!

#3 Use your tools, but remember you have backups

a house with a satellite dish

I will always recommend that, no matter how near or far your adventure takes you that you carry a compass and some form of map or directions. But even if your compass and map fail you can always use backups. Remember the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Even in cities and suburbs there are constant markers as to your direction. Here’s three low tech solutions for orienting yourself in the northern hemisphere:

  1. satellite dishes point south west

  2. moss mostly grows on the north side of trees

  3. On an analogue watch, point the hour hand at the Sun and half-way between that and 12 o’clock is south.

#4 Stay calm

People pointing at a map

You’re going to get lost at one point or another, that’s a sure sign that you’re really adventuring. Just remember to stay calm and not make any silly decisions. Often a rash decision like taking a shortcut back or leaving a well marked trail will only lead you to a worse situation. Try to remain calm and focus on what is within your control at that moment. Breath and focus.

These tips might not stop you from getting lost, but they might just help you out when you are!

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